268 Results



Throughout all of our beach house design reveals from the kitchen and master bedroom to the living room and walkthrough closet, one of the elements you guys ask me about allllll the time is the floors. So today I wanted to dedicate a whole post to just that:…

SHOP THE LOOK: fig.1 | fig.2 | fig.3 | fig.4 | fig.5 | fig.6 | fig.7 | fig.8 | traditional | mid-century | playful Hey, friends. How’s your week going? Hope it’s been a good one so far. I’m super excited because this month sees the first of…

Hey, I'm Will

Welcome to Bright.Bazaar, my make-you-smile style corner of the internet. I’ve been sharing my love of beautiful design, feel-good homes, everyday style, inspiring travel and, pretty much everything in between, since 2009. As well as working as a content creator, I write interior design books and edit a bi-weekly e-newsletter called Smile Mail. I live in New York City with my heartmate and can often be found listening to Madonna’s Confessions album and dreaming up my next home renovation project.