268 Results



I’m wholeheartedly dedicated to being an IKEA geek. Like, so much so that I bought three books about the company and their design history to read when I was in the store last week. Remember this infographic I shared with unexpected IKEA stats back in 2013? And then…

Almost every time I post a picture on my Instagram feed from one of my travels someone will ask me how I workout on-the-go when I’m away from home. The truth is, it’s not always easy to fit in a full workout everyday like I try to do…

One of my favorite things about living in New York City is the knowledge that there’s always a new place or area in the city to explore. Whether you wander through a neighborhood that’s well-trodden or take the path less travelled to an unexplored corner of the city,…

Hey, I'm Will

Welcome to Bright.Bazaar, my make-you-smile style corner of the internet. I’ve been sharing my love of beautiful design, feel-good homes, everyday style, inspiring travel and, pretty much everything in between, since 2009. As well as working as a content creator, I write interior design books and edit a bi-weekly e-newsletter called Smile Mail. I live in New York City with my heartmate and can often be found listening to Madonna’s Confessions album and dreaming up my next home renovation project.