GHTV-home-decor-1Back in February I was approached by Hearst to be a presenter on home decor for a new TV project they were working on. Before I knew it, I was flying from London to NYC for a day (yikes!) to film a series of classes for Good Housekeeping’s new digital TV channel, GHTV. One of the classes I fronted gives a detailed look at how to perfect hanging gallery walls at home. I share my need-to-know top tips that will make the process so much easier, as well as three inspiring and different approaches to take when deciding on which style of gallery wall to curate. Check out the bells and whistles trailer for the class below…


You know when you watch home decor shows on TV and they try to run through the ‘how-to’ in a matter of minutes due to time constraints, or in a magazine when you read a DIY and your just wish you could be shown exactly how in person, hit pause and re-watch?! If so, you will love these classes from GHTV because they are designed to give an in-depth, 101 on the topic in question. This class on gallery walls we filmed is an hour long and gives you everything you need to know to plan, shop, style and hang a gallery wall in your own personal style.GHTV-home-decor-2I’ve had some on camera experience over the years, including a series of super fun videos I did with West Elm last December in Palm Springs, but this was one of the first proper ‘TV’ gigs I have been commissioned to do. Of course there was a team on set but I literally styled the room sets and hung the gallery walls live on camera without stopping so it was pretty full on! The best thing about this is that you can see every step of the process without any smoke and mirrors or clever editing that we so often see in traditional TV formats that are squeezed by timeslots and schedules. Hopefully this makes it easy to follow along and replicate the project in your own home!GHTV-home-decor-3If you are keen to get a feel for the types of hint and tricks I share in the full hour-long class, then you can watch my Paper Frame Hanging Trick video for free first. Hurrah! Do check it out as this approach squashed all the stress out of hanging gallery walls for me, I love it! Plus, I love all the pieces of art from Minted that I used to demonstrate this gallery wall.GHTV-home-decor-4Here I am midway through hanging the Bohemian look gallery wall!GHTV-home-decor-5It looks like a screenshot from a makeshift 2-become-1 Spice Girls video…thankfully for all involved (and those watching) it’s not! There could well be some sneaky dancing in the video, though! You can check out the class in full here.GHTV-home-decor-6


Will Taylor

Will lives in NYC and is an interior design author and content creator. He's been blogging about his love of design, style and travel since 2009. His #MakeYouSmileStyle approach to decorating and dressing has inspired over one million Instagram uploads to the hashtag from followers across the world.


  1. Congrats Will,

    I just finished watching the full video tutorial! It was really well done!

    A video tutorial of multiple Wall Galleries with full room design ideas is wonderful!


  2. Congrats on the TV deal, how exciting flying all the way to New York! I love the gallery wall, total #gallerywallenvy. I have attempted a gallery wall in my house and it’s not so pretty haha.

    Jade x

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  5. Love this post.Have been wanting to do a gallery inspired wall in my living room! Thank you for the help and for sharing. Cant wait for the next post.

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Hey, I'm Will

Welcome to Bright.Bazaar, my make-you-smile style corner of the internet. I’ve been sharing my love of beautiful design, feel-good homes, everyday style, inspiring travel and, pretty much everything in between, since 2009. As well as working as a content creator, I write interior design books and edit a bi-weekly e-newsletter called Smile Mail. I live in New York City with my heartmate and can often be found listening to Madonna’s Confessions album and dreaming up my next home renovation project.