This post is in partnership with Natrol. All thoughts expressed here are my own.
Phew, 2020 has been a year, right?! I don’t know if, like me, you have had some problems falling asleep at night? To be honest, I have always been a bit of a worrier before I fall asleep at night, and this year hasn’t helped at all. I sometimes just keep going over things from the day, or things that could happen in the future, and I can’t relax my body to fall asleep. I was keen to find a natural way to help me sleep better when I have those nights that I’m feeling stressed, which can be more apparent during the busy holiday season where it feels like we all have so much to juggle with.

I’ve tried a few things to help me sleep; I’ve invested in comfortable new bedding, listened to sleep stories, and also ensured our bedroom is at a cool temperature. These things have really helped me but sometimes things still get a bit too much, and I was looking to try something additional to help me sleep. I really wanted my sleep aid to be something natural and drug-free, so when Natrol asked me to try their new Natrol Relaxia Night Calm gummies I was really intrigued to try them out. The fact that their gummies are 100% drug-free and that Natrol has a lot of history and experience in the area (Natrol is the #1 Melatonin brand^ in the USA) reassured me a lot. The Relaxia Night Calm gummies are a nice size – about the size of your average candy. They are very squishy and soft, and they have a nice balanced berry taste — not bitter at all but also not too sweet!
After I had eaten the gummy there wasn’t a huge dramatic change, which I liked. Rather, after about 20 minutes or so I just felt more relaxed and was able to slowly fall asleep. I felt as though I wasn’t thinking as much about the day or the future but instead felt more able to naturally switch off and drift off to sleep.
As I said earlier, the dummies are 100% drug-free and are all-natural. They contain a blend of 5-HTP, L-Theanine, Lemon Balm, and Melatonin. If you want to know more then check out the Relaxia website. I am definitely going to keep using them when I am feeling stressed and can’t sleep.. I like how they are easy to take and that I notice a positive difference in my sleep when I feel stresses. Let me know what has worked for you? If you want to try the Night Calm gummies, they are available at your local Walgreens store and you can use this coupon for $5 off a purchase from the Natarol Relexia range.
^Nielsen, xAOC, 52 weeks ending 11/28/2020
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.” |